Monday, January 31, 2011

My deepest Respect for Vegans Everywhere

I've been interested in nutrition since I was fourteen. When the natural health craze brought on by hippy vegetarians swept California, the land of fruit and nuts. I used to read books on the evils of sugar and food additives. It didn't quite keep me entirely form junk food, but at least I had a clear idea about good healthy food.

I have also been in awe of vegetarians and now vegans even more so. How do they resist the smell of a BBQ? I've tried cutting out red meat, but the temptation of pepperoni on my pizza broke me down...along with bacon with my eggs...and the time my uncle cooked us meat stuffed manicotti that he was so proud of. Three times I've tried to cut out meat, and instead surrendered to my weaknesses.

When my dear friend asked me to contribute to this Once a Week Vegan blog, I knew it was a worthy cause. Promoting this healthy lifestyle change leads to a healthier planet too. With my recent successes with juice fasting, perhaps my self discipline will improve to the point of where I can confidently cut the meat habit someday.

In case you are having difficulty wrapping your head around a 10 day juice fast that I described last week...Here is a typical day in the middle of the cleansing diet....

Morning Juice:
1/2 canteloupe with rinds. Wash thoroughly, if not organic then peel rind, otherwise most of the nutirtion is actually in the rind. Juicing the whole melon is still delicious and sweet, but with a greener more complex taste. Try watermelon, again with the rind. You'll be surprised how much the rind tastes like cucumber, its distant relation.

Day Time Juice:
Make a quart of vegetable juice in the following manner. Wash all veggies, splurge for organic if at all possible. Juice one cup (one fourth of the total mix) of any greens you like...parsley, dandelion green, kale, broccoli, chard, romaine, spinach, etc. Then add 1/2 of a small beet or a 1/4 of a large one. If you are not sure, go with the smaller portion, since too much beet can make your heart race. At ths point I like to add very small clove of garlic or 1/4 -1/2 an onion for a peppery flavor. The reat of the quart (3 cups) can be made up with carrot juice or a mix of tomato, celery, and or apple (not too much apple, because it will affect your energy swings). Here is a cheater tip: buy fresh organic carrot and apple juice to add to your mixes!
this saves time and bother; however, I should mention that fresh made juice has the highest benfit to your health. As juice oxidizes and ages, it looses vitamins and enzymes.

Late Afternoon/Evening:
Buy a mango, banana, berry or pineapple juice from the grocery store or juice establishment. Be careful not to ingest any dairy protiens. Any fruit frappe will taste super intense next to your daily vegetable mixture. Freeze what you can't finish for the next day's pleasure.

Drink Plenty of Water in Between Juice.
Herbal tea ok for a break.

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