Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Juice Fast takes Planning

Once or twice a year I commit to a juice fast. See last year's blog (http://7shadesofvegan.blogspot.com/2011/01/cleanse-with-juice-fast). It cleanses my body. Totally clears my pallet from salt, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol cravings. The emotional and mental addictions to food or alcohol isn't exactly cured.  When I go back to regular eating, I slowly slip back into bad habits and gain back all the weight lost. I'll be honest, it's not easy. The first two days are the most difficult for me, but I've heard that it's the fourth day or sixth day for others. If you drink caffeine, then you will get a headache for at least a day. Why bother? I feel that I take years off my aging body. Everyone enjoys a clean house no matter how onerous the task is. Once a year I like to clean out my pipes. It rejuvenates my cells, mind and spirit. Yes, it is a huge exercise in self discipline too, which if anyone knew how self indulgent I usually am, they would have to applaud my efforts. Okay, it's enough for me to pat my own back then.

The first thing is make a plan and mark your calender. This year I proposed a date to fast in tandem with my Hula instructor who, has in the past organized her students to juice together because not everybody had a juicer. Then the morning of I realize that I haven't done the shopping for organic fruits and vegetables that I needed. Yipes! So at 6:00 in the morning I frantically text my guru an FYI. Fast delayed by one day. Then, because I didn't consult my social calender, I forgot that my husband and I were invited to a very high class dinner party on the second day of my diet! Ahhhrrrrg. What do I do? Feign illness and stay home? Not my style to miss a party, so I thought I should pack a salad in case all the veggies were too rich. My husband was dead set against bringing my own Tupperware, besides I was running late getting ready, scratch that idea.

Now to get the body ready for a purely juice diet, you must prepare by only ingesting raw or plain cooked fruits and vegetables for a couple of days, so there is some wiggle room in social occasions on those days. Aiming to stick to the veggies, hoping no one would notice....I managed to avoid the fried bitter ball (some Dutch concoction) appetizer. But soon the smells of the prime rib roast and mushroom gravy was too much for me to resist the smallest portion I could taste. Oh well, I blew it; may as well have that glass of wine too!

As my mother was fond of saying, "Do as I say not as I do." Let's review, plan your ten day juice cleanse around any special occasions. Then shopping is your next step. I like the variety of organic produce in some of the higher end food chains that cater to the green movement. Obviously the Farmers Market is a good venue to buy beautiful food too. Here is what you need....

A good quality extra virgin olive oil that tastes good to you.
A high quality fiber/ colon cleanser found in health food stores
Herbal teas, if you like them (instead of black teas or coffee)
Soy sauce, or better yet Braggs Liquid Aminos to season (instead of salt)
A good pro biotic to replace the beneficial flora of the intestines. Check the refridgerated vitamin section.
Lemons, at least a half dozen
Carrots, buy the largest quantity available unless you just buy carrot juice by the quart as you need it.
Leafy greens, I like parsley, kale, spinach, dandelion greens, etc.
Celery, tomatoes, pears, grapes, as much as 5 pounds each, what ever you can afford.
1 bunch of red beets, a bit of garlic and ginger, one or two onions,
Broccoli, cabbage, radishes, are strong tasting so don't need more than one each, if you like them.
Cantaloupe, watermelon, pineapple --- leave skins on for their vitamin content (only if organic)
Citrus fruits pare off skins, leaving as much pith for health benefits

My day to day juicing adventures will be posted soon.


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